Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nathan with his Mission President and his wife (the Bowens)

     Here is Nathan with the Washington-Tacoma Mission Presidents, President and Sister Bowen. They sent this with a nice letter saying that Nathan has been assigned to two Trainers/Companions: Elders Cook and Draper, who will work with Nathan for a couple months.  They also stated they were impressed with his enthusiasm and said they know he will make an outstanding contribution to the missionary cause in this area.
     President H. Kent Bowen is a professor at Harvard University, and himself served as a missionary in the Central German mission, as well as having had several church callings including the following: stake president, sealer, bishop and counselor, high councilor, and co-chair of open house and dedication committee for the Boston Massachusetts Temple.
     Sister Kathleen Jones Bowen has also had many church callings including both stake and ward Relief Society President and counselor, both stake and ward Young Women president, and camp director, and ward primary teacher.
     Both Brother and Sister Bowen were born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and now live in the Belmont, Massachusetts area. They have five children. And now they have several young missionaries under their care in Washington, including Nathan.  They seem like wonderful people and I am very glad they are taking the time from their busy lives to serve a mission watching over our young missionaries!  I was very grateful that they took the time to send me this photo and a letter.

1 comment:

  1. Yahoo Nathan!! You look great!! We are so happy, excited and proud of you! What a great opportunity to learn from such educated & gifted leaders. We know it will be a great experience for you and we are praying for your joy and success.

    Love You! The Petersen's
